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How to pick the perfect shade of lipstick
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In my opinion every girl needs three perfect shades of lipstick. An every day nice dependable color. A perfect pink for fun and a sizzling red for those special occasions. Unfortunately finding even just one perfect shade can be a real pain. There are so many
different colors that come in different shades with all kinds of hues and undertones. How do you know which one is the right one? Learn how to determine the perfect shade for your skin tone, occasion and style with these simple tricks and guidelines.

Finding the perfect red lipstick
Red is a beautiful bold color that is perfect for special occasions. Red can be classy and stand out at the same time. Red is not usually an everyday lipstick color but that does not mean that it is not important. Looking great at a formal event or on a date is just as important as looking nice when walking around the mall. Since red stands out so much the right shade of red will complete the perfect look but the wrong shade could throw everything off.
Shades for different skin tones
Warm skin tones
Opt for peachy or more orange looking reds these will look great.
Cool skin tones
Try out the pink or purplish colors.
Fair or pale skin
Lighter colors like the pink or peach depending or your skin tone are best.
Golden or tan skin
Bright colors will look great and stand out.
Dark skin
Deep shades and purple hues will look fantastic.
Perfect pinks
I love pink because it is such a fun color. Everyone can wear pink you just have to choose the right one. Pink can be an everyday shade, just for fun or something to change up your usual look.
Tips for trying on lipstick
The very best way to test out a lipstick is on your lips because your lips are a different color than the rest of your skin. This is not always possible though so your hand is second best. Make sure to have tissue to wipe the
colors off. This way you won't blend the colors when you go to try on the next one. Make sure you have good lighting I like natural lighting the best so I try to find a spot near the window. Hold your hand up to your face while looking into a mirror. I put my hand over my mouth it helps me imagine
better. If you do sample the lipstick with your lips then bring chapstick for when you are finished all that testing and wiping can dry your lips out.

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